mpipool package

class mpipool.MPIExecutor(master=0, comm=None, rejoin=True)

Bases: concurrent.futures._base.Executor

MPI based Executor. Will use all available MPI processes to execute submissions to the pool. The MPI process with rank 0 will continue while all other ranks halt and

property idling
map(fn, *iterables)

Submits jobs for as long as all iterables provide values and returns an iterator with the results. The iterables are consumed lazily.


Close the pool and tell all workers to stop their work loop

property size
submit(fn, /, *args, **kwargs)

Submit a task to the MPIPool. fn(*args, **kwargs) will be called on an MPI process meaning that all data must be communicable over the MPI communicator, which by default uses pickle.


fn (callable) – Function to call on the worker MPI process.

submit_batch(fn, *iterables)

Submits jobs lazily for as long as all iterables provide values.


A batch object

Return type


class mpipool.MPIPool

Bases: multiprocessing.pool.Pool

apply_async(fn, args=None, kwargs=None)

Asynchronous version of apply() method.

imap(fn, iterable)

Equivalent of map() – can be MUCH slower than

imap_unordered(fn, iterable)

Like imap() method but ordering of results is arbitrary.

map(fn, iterable)

Apply func to each element in iterable, collecting the results in a list that is returned.

map_async(fn, iterable)

Asynchronous version of map() method.

starmap(fn, iterables)

Like map() method but the elements of the iterable are expected to be iterables as well and will be unpacked as arguments. Hence func and (a, b) becomes func(a, b).

starmap_async(fn, iterables)

Asynchronous version of starmap() method.

exception mpipool.WorkerExitSuiteSignal

Bases: Exception

This signal is raised when a worker needs to exit before executing the suite of a with statement that only the master should execute.